Friday, June 5, 2015

Nursing and Clean Eating

           Time to get back at it! At 6 weeks pp I tried going back to my diet and just didnt think my babe was getting enough milk due to not enough calories so I have kinda been making it up on my own. I am finally back to working out and pretty happy about it! I am already 3lbs down from 10 days ago.

What my meals are looking like-

Breakfast- 3 eggs, 1/2 cup of Brown Cow vanilla yogurt (I need to find one with less sugar) with a few berries, Advocare Rehydrate and Vivace shake which is completely organic/non gmo/grass fed.

Lunch is usually 3 chicken tenderloins (a pack at Sams Club for 2.18lb) I have stored in my fridge for eat day. I usually season with this Rosemary seasoning

Dinner is one of the frozen meals usually turkey burgers/meatballs or chicken with veggies. I snack on a Kashi chia seed granola bar- so yum! It is more sugar than I would like to have but I make sure I only have one a day. Cuties clementines are delish and I will have usually one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I also snack on a good peanut butter- almond butter is better for you but Im just not a fan. I now even get a bag of chocolate covered almonds (less than a pound) from Sprouts(aka best grocery store ever) and I share that with my hunny for the week so just 2-3 a day when I get that sugar low.

   I have also found, as weird as it may sound, organic black bean pasta is delish!!! We love it! Great for meatless Friday meal!

Once you're off the strict diet it gets a lot easier/better... when you eat out you find yourself ordering a burger with veggies(not fries) and you take off the bread or even only take off the top bun.You eventually pick or battles and think "will I have mashed potatoes or dessert?'' Trust me it does get better!

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