Saturday, January 17, 2015

Healthy vs non healthy pregnancy

          I cannot even begin to explain the lessons I have learned this pregnancy. Even with starting at a much heavier weight I have enjoyed this pregnancy leaps and bounds more than my last. With healthier eating, exercise and more moving around in general I am so pleased with the results. After my 1st pregnancy I stayed on all my vitamins including prenatal, exercised daily, and clean eating. I wish I could say I buy all organic vegetables and meat but I don't! But!!!!! It is by far better than yummy tasty cinnamon bagels, loaded with creamy honey walnut cream cheese in the morning and bbq chicken with baked beans for dinner.
    I still eat eggs and smoothie or fruit for breakfast and for the first time in my life I realized a healthy breakfast gets me through my day way better than a random breakfast. It definitely holds back those ravenous cravings, which are the worst for me. I am staying steady with my weight at 30 weeks I've gained 10lbs which I really couldn't be happier. I do eat more fruits but hey devouring a cutie clementine versus 5 Hershey Kisses is an improvement, for sure! I haven't worked out every day but at least 4x per week- just a light 10 minute prenatal workout does the job for me.
   At 30 weeks with babe #1 I was already weighing more than I do at this point, full of water weight, barely walking since my legs/feet killed if I walked more than 5 minutes, probably (most definitely) still working on my Christmas candy, stairs were my biggest enemy,really just a mess by this point! I am now quite active, no leg pains, stairs are no problem, and just happier in general. I rarely asked to be dropped off at the door vs. Walking from the parking place (if I do its usually due to weather conditions)
   I'm already excited just to have this baby just to be healthy again which should take care of the double chin also... I won't miss it at all! Below is a comparison photo almost exactly the same point in both pregnancies #1 and #2. There may not be a huge difference weight wise but I feel so much happier and not exhausted all. Day. Long. Every. Day!!

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

January Cleaning Challenge

This year I want to focus on the organizing of my house I know I can go 3x faster before the baby arrives, so I better get a move on it. My January challenge is NO dishes in the sink. I really struggle with this one and also put off cleaning the dishes. But we've decided if we have a dish-free sink for the month of January we're going to go out on a nice date. So January 31st I already can't wait for you! It works well for us since they're only 2 of us if I unload in the morning and load at meal times and start at night.